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Welcome to The Editing Pencil! 

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Let’s find out how I can help you today.

I provide high-quality proofreading and copy editing services to individuals, businesses, and publishers.


What can professional editing do for you?


As an editor, I can

  • Catch embarrassing typos before they make it into print or the web.

    • Was it or you meant to say?

  • Check for consistency throughout so reading is smooth and logical. Ensure all terms and names are spelled the same way.

  • Verify that all additional material is included--- no missing figures, tables, or art.

  • Identify troublesome usage, especially when talking about gender, race, ability, and accessibility.

  • Make you sound polished and professional.​


Do you know what kind of help you need?

​⦁    Is your manuscript complete and you want a final set of eyes to make sure it's ready for publication?
⦁    Do you need someone to review the spelling, grammar, punctuation, language, and consistency?
⦁    Do you need writing help?


Here’s a brief explanation of the different kinds of editing.


The Editor’s Job


A developmental editor helps the author in developing and writing the content, determining how to present it, and identifying what kinds of documentation and/or permissions may be necessary for publication. The developmental editor also advises the author regarding rewriting specific sections or reorganizing the text.

The substantive editor reviews the manuscript’s organizational structure and presentation. In-house editors, and/or the author’s colleagues or peers may also handle this type of editing and review.


Sometimes, the same person may provide both developmental and substantive editing.


The copy editor’s job begins after the manuscript is finished and has been reviewed by the developmental editor and other colleagues or peers. The copy editor, sometimes called a line editor, handles the mechanics of editing: grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the use of a consistent style.


For example, the copy editor verifies that you’ve defined any unusual terms or acronyms, ensures all dashes and hyphens are used correctly, and that all figures, tables, media, graphics, etc. are included and formatted consistently.

Depending on the project, the copy editor may also perform other services as requested, such as formatting and/or verifying references, checking URLs, and identifying biased language.

The proofreader is the final set of eyes before the document is published. The proofreader ensures that all revisions have been done, are correct, and that no additional errors have been introduced into the text. The proofreader also checks for things such as hyphenation at the ends of lines, missed spelling errors, the consistent use of typefaces and fonts, the correct locations of tables and illustrations, paragraph spacing, and text alignment, etc.

Ready to learn more about how I can help you?

Visit the Services 
page or email me at carla [at] theeditingpencil [dot] com.

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